Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Rolling Stones vs. The Beatles essays

The Rolling Stones vs. The Beatles essays By the summer of 1965, the so-called British Invasion of pop music was at its peak. And while there were many worthy UK groups occupying the number 2 and below slots, the Beatles at 1(A) and arguably, the Rolling Stones at 1(B),were, well, musically number one. The Rolling Stones and the Beatles are inextricably linked together. Linked by time, place, overwhelming popularity, and surpassing musical importance, they seem opposite in every other respect. (Campbell s core than these two bands. The Beatles were brought up by provincial working class families whose successful careers represented several steps up in class. The Rolling Stones came together in London, the center of British culture. They defined their image by stepping down in class. (Campbell s Night created their images. Unfortunately, the Beatles played their last concert in 1966. The entire band began to grow apart, both musically and personally. Their album, the White Album, confirmed this idea. The band broke apart 4 years later. On the other hand, the Rolling Stones have stayed together since the beginning and are still working as a band. They continue to tour which still attract large amounts of fans. The Stones and the Beatles were polar opposites. This was evident in what they conveyed and how they did it. The Beatles exemplified high spirits and good, mostly clean fun; they were pranksters at worst. In contrast, the Stones ¾by design ¾crossed the line. They turned impudence into insolence, peace and love into aggression and overt sexuality. (...

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